16. April
In our last report we had informed you that we have a new female doctor Natalie working for us. We are really happy to have
her in our team and to work with her. The majority of our patients are children and women. Gynecological complaints are very common and our female patients address them easier if they can talk to a
female doctor. Also they ask more frequently for a Papanicolaou test which is important to discover early stages of cervix cancer .
We had another meeting with the brigadistas in Ocotal. These people , living in our communities were trained by us, many years ago and run small village pharmacies with free medical supplies , mainly
for emergencies and to support chronic ill patients. Through them we are constantly in touch with our communities and can plan and announce our clinics. These three monthly meetings with teaching and
exchange of experiences are highly appreciated.
After years of usage the blood pressure cuffs and thermometers needed to be replaced . We were happy to support our brigadistas with new equipment